Eli's baby dedication was this past Sunday. It was a really nice celebration of God's hand in his life and ours. He is such a unique precious gift that fills our family with joy. Isaac was a great big brother and let Eli have the spotlight for one day! Thanks to everybody who came and celebrated with us.
Isaac said something yesterday that was so sweet, I had to share...We were passing Good Sam hospital on our way to a P&G diaper study, when he announced Mommy that is where I was born! Then he so sweetly said, "Jesus was with me when I was born mama, and daddy was there too! Then he continued on to say, Jesus is with me now too mom.
Mothering is such a gift that I sometimes take for granted when I am sleep deprived. Eli, after almost 10 months of life, finally got two teeth today (only after I spent a twenty dollar co-pay to find out it wasn't an ear infection.) So today we celebrate the little things in life, like maybe I'll get some extra zzz's now that those bottom teeth have broke through, at least until he gets the top two!
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