
Little blurbs about us, The Larsen's, Brett, Kristie, Isaac, Eli and Lily.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Petting the Frog and no hitting please...
Isaac started school yesterday! Daddy dropped him off with tote bag and snack in tow. His preschool is a 20 min. drive, so daddy and I are taking turns with the drop off. I thought I might get teary, so daddy took him for his first day. I did get teary, just not in front of Isaac. It was a moment of sadness, but a bigger moment of happiness. Happy that he is growing up to be such a confident, outgoing, fun little boy...and happy that the Lord was providing a much needed break from our daily power struggles. Sad though, that he is growing up so fast. Well, I am happy to report he had a great first two days. His teacher says he is "off to a great start." For those that know Isaac (and his struggles with personal space of others) I was extremely happy for this report. Isaac reported on the first day that they sang "the monkey song" which I found out later was the five little monkeys, ate their snack and pet the frog (real or fiction, I'm still not sure.) He also, in the spirit of being as truthful as he can possibly be, stated that he got in the space of his new friend and that made his friend very sad, he proceded to follow this statement with, I did not hit him though mom. I'm so glad that our "feelings" chart has paid off and that he is already good at telling on himself. His second day (and no, it is not groundhog day)
Mommy-what did you do in preschool today?
Isaac-sang the monkey song
mommy-great, did you do anything else?
Isaac-pet the frog
Mommy-wow, tell me more about the frog...
Isaac-it's a nice frog
Mommy-is the frog real or pretend
Isaac-it's real, no...it's pretend
Mommy-(confused about the frog still) did you do anything else fun at school today.
Isaac-I didn't hit anybody today mommy, and I colored a dog orange, I like dogs.
Mommy-Sounds like you had a great day
Isaac-can I have a snack?
He's finished talking, we have been working on no hitting and I'm still confused about the class frog at preschool. Thank goodness it's Friday!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Preschool is coming...
We have Isaac's orientation for preschool this Friday. He can't wait for school to start. He has been talking about school all summer. Thank goodness he doesn't need to be potty trained to go, since he decided going on the potty was not for him (still). Hopefully he will change his mind soon. Eli is on the move and enjoying it like crazy. He loves that he can move around freely now. Isaac doesn't like that Eli can get his toys...Ugh, sibling rivalry begins already.
Well, I can't believe next month my boys will be 1 and 3. I'm already starting to plan their little party. It's going to be a vehicle party since Isaac loves cars, trucks, tractors, anything with wheels. Isaac is actually excited about sharing his birthday with Eli. I guess as long as they both get presents, it will be ok with him. And I'm ok with only hosting one party! More energy and cost effective.