
Little blurbs about us, The Larsen's, Brett, Kristie, Isaac, Eli and Lily.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Our vacation
We have been back for a week now from our trip to NYC and New Jersey. The Macy's parade was amazing, I highly recommend it! Especially if you can order weather like we had, 66 and sunny. All the New Yorkers around us said it has been 40 years since they have had weather like that, which meant even the locals came out in droves. There were people everywhere. The postcards home with Isaac's interpretation of NYC said he saw lots of big big buildings and lots of people.
We enjoyed seeing lots of things in NYC and also enjoyed the balance of staying at a condo in Vernon Valley New Jersey in the mountains. It was both relaxing and exciting. Pictures to come since blogger won't let me post them now.