Lots to catch up on...I have had difficulty posting pics with the new blogger. So here are some recent pictures. My niece Reese and Eli at the zoo in the stroller pics. Eli just starting saying "quack quack" for the duck sound yesterday. Finally we are getting some words out of him. Isaac has been talking for him for months, but it's high time he start doing some talking of his own. The picture with Brett is at the place with blow up bouncers. I couldn't get my niece Olivia to turn around for the camera, so you can only see the back of her. The other two pictures are of the St. Patty's parade downtown. Brett was working all weekend, so the boys and I took the metro downtown. While on the bus we ran into our new neighbor will (seven year old that Isaac idolizes) and they sat with us at the parade for a little while. Thankfully Spring and warmer weather are upon us. Hopefully we will have lots more field trips to the zoo and other favorite outdoor spots. Please keep praying for a buyer of our house. Hopefully we will have that huge burden lifted soon.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
A lotta new happening here!
I got bored with the old layout, so I've changed the look. A lot has changed in our little world. The biggest change being our address. If you need it, I can e-mail it to you.
Other changes-Eli is not a baby anymore...he's a toddler with all the good, bad and ugly that come with toddlerhood. He is really getting a unique little personality and he is really a sweet affectionate little boy.
Isaac is still loving preschool. Probably the biggest change for him has been that he is becoming more of an independent little guy. Wants to do everything himself including dressing, going potty and even writing his name by himself!
Brett just changed jobs and will be in training for four months, which is going to be a big change around here. His schedule is more strict and he leaves the house promply at 7:30 to punch the clock on time (something he is not quite used to.)
As for me, not to much has changed, exept for the amount of housework and projects there are to do, which most times I don't mind and I am thankful for more rooms to keep clean :)