We sold the house and closed mid May, just haven't had time to post. Since then we have been busy spending our money on new landscaping for the front yard as well as odds and ends we have been needing since our spending freeze for the last few months. It has been really nice to have the weight of two house mortgages lifted from us.
The boys are doing good. Isaac is out of school for the summer and we are enjoying the sunshine and warmth. He has been really challenging lately. He is very needy and wants everything. We went to Target today and had to leave because he was saying I want this and that. I was going to buy him some baseballs, but put them back and instead carried out a kicking and screaming preschooler. Whoever said terrible 2's, wasn't at the 3's yet! . Eli is still not talking, which is frustrating, both for him and us. Hopefully the babbles will soon turn into words and he will be able to have less frustrating moments.
Brett's training at his new job is winding down and soon he will have a full caseload. Hopefully this job won't be as bad and as stressful as he has been warned.
I am looking forward to my trip at the end of the month. I am going with my mom and sister-in-law to Florida for 5 days without the boys to a condo by the beach. Thanks to my husband and some friends, I am really looking forward to the vacation and break from the everyday grind.