
Little blurbs about us, The Larsen's, Brett, Kristie, Isaac, Eli and Lily.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The firetruck birthday party was a hit. As you can see the best part of a birthday is ALMOST ALWAYS the cake! Eli really enjoyed his "first" piece of cake. I am told he did in fact get some into his mouth, not just in his hair and all over his face. Isaac has learned in his three years to be a little more neat with his cake, but he enjoyed it just the same. Our boys keep us on our toes, and we love it!

Monday, October 23, 2006

The big 1
We had the boys birthday party this past weekend. It was crazy and fun all at the same time. We had a firetruck party complete with fire hats for the kids and a 3D (or was is 3 hours) firetruck cake. Isaac and Eli were surrounded by the love of family and friends as they celebrated their birthdays (AKA the fastest year of my life I think...) I can't believe Eli is one and the year has passed so quickly. Thanks to everybody who came and celebrated with us. For those of you who were not here, I will post pics soon.. I have to wait for the CD copy from my sister-in-law because I was without a camera (thanks to Sony) once again (long story)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

We are so blessed to have a wealth of free and fun things to walk to living so close to a University. One of Isaac's all time favorite things to do is play soccer at the soccer field, although most of the time to players, much to his dismay, are "hogging" their own playing field and we have to play on the grass near the soccer field. This is just as good and a short walk away from our house. This particular day, Eli was content to hang out in the stroller and watch big brother and daddy shoot the ball around.

Fall is upon us!
It's crazy how both of our boys were born in October...Here's Isaac wearing his most favorite color, second only to yellow. I wonder how he decided he loves the color orange. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that his birthday is only two days shy of Halloween. Eli doesn't have a favorite color yet, but Isaac is trying to sway him into thinking his favorite color is red, since Daddy likes blue, mommy likes green and he likes orange and yellow, Eli has to like red.
We have a really super busy month with birthdays seven days apart. This past weekend we went to Tall stacks, thus the picture with the big boat in the background. We are hopefully going to make it to a pumpkin patch this week and maybe Hallzooween. The big birthday party is next weekend and Isaac still thinks he is having a fire-truck, dinosaur, car birthday. We've (or I've) settled in on fire-trucks since most days he says he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. Although the other day he announced when he grows up he is going to be a fireman and superman. I guess that could be true! I think we need to get him a cape so he can stop running around the house with blankie strapped to his back!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wow, October!
I can't believe it is October and it is more than 80 degrees outside. I already "made the switch" in the boys closet from summer to fall/winter clothes and they are wearing shorts today! We have had a busy couple of weeks. Eli has been in and out of the ped. office with what we thought was a bad cold. They diagnosed him with bronchitis and put him on an antibiotic. That wasn't working and he began wheezing. So he was given a breathing treatment in the office and we left with a script for another antibiotic and an inhaler. A few days later he still sounded awful and we went back. The ped. said he sounds "just plain awful" and we left with a script for a chest x-ray and steroids. The chest x-ray was clear and she mentioned Asthma. We have a follow-up today, he sounds great. I'm hoping these Asthmatic symptoms were a temporary 1 time thing and in the past. My baby has been through a lot, I have been through a lot.
This month will be great though, as we celebrate a third and a first birthday, pumpkin ice cream at Graeters, pumpkin farm trips, Hallzooween and all the other fun fall activities. I can't believe this year has come and gone so quickly!